Medieval Play

In this day and age where modernizations rule over restorations the title of this play suggested something comforting; a return to period play-writing, to thou’s and ye’s, to the likes of Chaucer, Shakespeare and other such classical stylings. Again though I sat down in the Signature Theater -this time panting and half out of breath, having ran down the final stretch of street to make it in before seating closed – and had my expectations misproven as errors, again I was given something drastically different from what I expected, though this time it was almost entirely for the better. The play is advertised as a comedy and I had assumed that they meant this in a literary sense – that it would end with suggestions of new life, etc. Though in this was the play is actually a tragedy – but in fact they were speaking literally; Medieval resembles more than anything The Chaser, Monty Python and other such modern comedy stylings, but executed in a bold and bawdy way that the Bard would adored.
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